Mortal Instruments Rebooted
You might remember my disappointment when I read City of Bones , it was so utterly blah that if all the characters had died at the end of the book I really wouldn't have cared. I watched the film and was slightly more entertained, but when the film wasn't as much of a hit as they'd hoped, they put the kibosh on any more. Now Netflix have taken up the challenge and we've got Shadowhunters, the series. With a cast of specifically attractive people jumping off bridges and walking round corners in musically choreographed shots, we get to witness the rebirth of a series. The Scooby Gang of this tale are Clary, with her shocking neon orange hair, that will have you wondering if her mother slept with a wotsit. Simon, the friend-zoned slightly buff best friend. Jace, the moody and rather blunt protector. Isabelle, the clothing challenged sister to Alec, moody archer. I'm three episodes in, thanks to a morning that began with some binge watching. Unfortunately I...