Emma Emulate

"I have not left you. But I am gone.
Please carry on as normal.
Love always,

Time to waffle about Who Is Tom Ditto? by Danny Wallace.

When Tom's girlfriend Hayley "leaves" him it's an understatement to say he's confused. Has she gone or hasn't she? Tom starts to investigate, it's in his journalistic nature. His first lead... Andy, from the place... Not much to go on but it does lead him to a very odd meeting with some very odd people.

Nothing is making sense yet, what do these people do? And who is following him?

I don't know why this has been sitting in my TBR for so long. I had tried it a couple of times and failed early on. The book itself is two tales wound into one, a background tale (that I decline to talk about because spoilers sweetie) and Tom's tale of discovery. I did have to read back a few times during the background chapters because at the start I couldn't quite work out how they fit together, but it was an interesting layout in the end.

Tom comes across as loveable but a bit aimless, but as well as discovering nights about Hayley along the way he discovers a lot about himself too. After meeting the CC (Carbon Copy) group and beginning to explore their world and what Hayley was secretly doing, their influence draws him out.

I love the way it explores identity and the desire to fit in or find your place in the world. It's like the ultimate trend setting. Finding those things in someone that make them unique and interesting and seeing if they're a good fit for you. It shows very subtly how things can change you for the better, or worse.

As well as this there's Tom's work life running alongside, reading the news on the radio for a shock jock who can't remember his name... that is until, distracted by his personal life issues he forgets to turn off his mike and they unwittingly broadcast what will forever be known as the Jam Nazi Rant.

Some how with all these ups and downs Tom manages to keep things together with the help of his follower, Pia and his new co-worker Cass.

All aspects of the story fit together well, there didn't seem to be anything frivolous thrown in. I was wondering how it should be classified and it left me a bit blank. I feel like contemporary fiction is a bit of a cop out, it doesn't really do it justice at all. I think the readership is also quite difficult to pinpoint as well. I think the theme would appeal to female readers but Tom is a well written character that men would enjoy. I don't know whether it's a good or bad thing that I'm on the fence about those two things, but either way it's a good read, and not too heavy considering the topic, there's no way that I wouldn't recommend it to people.

So Sunday I was fearing someone messing with the emergency exits and today I'm going to be looking behind me just in case someone is following me... this holiday could leave me a bit paranoid. Maybe something a little more fantasy and a little less "it could happen to you" next!


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