I Love It
Buzzfeed had a feature "19 Important Struggles Only Marmite Lovers Will Understand" [if you click that link please do come back here after!]. Number one on the list really does sum it up... never get anyone else to make your marmite on toast unless you've given them specific instructions and supervised them at least once! Since I can remember my family and I have gone to a little cafe in our local shopping centre. It used to be a sort of tradition. We'd get to the car park early to get a space that wasn't six floors up and then go to the cafe for breakfast before the shops opened. I remember going there and having a strawberry milkshake but I can't for the life of me remember what I ate... I guess it's just something about those Crusha milkshakes! When I got to a certain age where my parents were uncool, and all I wanted to do was stay in my room, we stopped going. At that point there was only so much shopping I could do in Marks and Spencer ...