Dear Justice League | Book Review

Fans get to ask their favourite heroes... Does Superman make mistakes? Does Hawkgirl eat small mammals like actual hawks do? All the important questions that you've always wondered about.

This is the first title I've seen from DC Zoom, DC's newly launched imprint for middle grade graphic novels, and I have to say my first impression is that I can't wait for more.

Dear Justice League is written by Michael Northrop, author or the Tombquest series, and illustrated by Gustavo Duarte.

Sadly I only got a 36 page sampler of this one but it was more than enough to work out that it's a super title.

Even as an experienced comic book and graphic novel reader I still have trouble following some of the complex page layouts, so I'm pleased to see how well this was laid out. Every spread is a simple left to right progression that is natural to follow and flows well with the inclusion of more "advanced" cross page boxes and illustration between pieces. It will work as an excellent introduction to the format for unfamiliar readers.

All the classic features are in there, story narration, style differences between characters and our favourite sound effects. Everything is well presented and simple enough to get the younger readers used to the graphic novel template.

Gustavo Duarte's illustrations are wonderful. Simple, clean and fun, they capture the lighter side of the characters for the younger audience. It seems like a very basic style, but when you look closer you can see so many extra little details.

I'm a fan of Hawkgirl. She's sleek, down to earth and perfectly illustrates the adult procrastination cycle on the internet.

The illustration along with the well thought out words create an entertaining introduction to what is almost a behind the scenes look at the Justice League. Hopefully the rest of the contents is just as entertaining and leads to some insights into our favourite DC characters.

I'm afraid that you won't be able to get your hands on this until August 2019 but it is well worth the wait.

Dear Justice League by Michael Northrop, illustrated by Gustavo Duarte. ISBN 9781401284138. Published by DC Zoom/DC Entertainment.


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