Bridge Of Sighs

I don't always know what I'm going to write about, the below came from a friends writing assignment and an idea of tragedy coming from something that was inexplicably involved in it.

I wonder why they do it sometimes, I watch them as they look over the edge at the abyss below. Maybe the rippling water calms them, the slow movement makes them think peace is at hand. I wont forget their faces as they go, almost a smile, like their cares are gone. At that moment I wonder if they suddenly wonder why they've done it, did they really need to do it? By nature I'm a cold hearted thing, steel and bolts, designed to be strong. How can I be strong when those around me are not? They come to me for support, but ultimately I let them down.

Every day people linger. I will them to move on, there's nothing here for you. Nothing. I'm trying to help them but at the same time being selfish, I don't want to watch, unable to help. I was built with such a noble purpose, join a community and make them thrive, but every time someone takes the leap more people feel divided from me. Just the sight of me makes so many sad.

More police patrol along my borders now, trying to stop such tragedy, but you won't stop a decided mind. Their own personal tragedy brings new ways of thinking, new thoughts to fulfil their ambition. Over the years so many have jumped, no screams just silent tears with the odd defeated sigh.

So today I stand hopeful of a good day. Today needs to be a better day. I'm feeling strained. Workmen have appeared, hopefully they'll deter anybody today. Yes, today will be a good day.

Wind blows across my bow. Unusually cold for this time of year. The swift flurries have kept the workmen in their vans, looking out every few minutes to decide if it's worth getting their gear out. Traffic is light today, in the distance my swaying wont look inviting and safe. With every blast a creak emanates from somewhere below, the strain, so much strain.

In the distance I see someone on foot, not dressed for this weather, not happy. She's on the wrong side for the workmen to see and the police have already been by. Don't walk over me. Frequently she pauses as the wind batters her hair, she constantly pulls it from her face. It's not the face I'm expecting though. It doesn't look weathered or stained with tears. Maybe today will be a good day after all.

But she stops.

There has to be some way of stopping this happening. Some way to do something. Another blast hits me, I see her stumble to the railing. I creak with pain but she grips the side and just peers over the edge. I start to sway, and as she sways with me she leans against my pillar. I feel, comfort. Is this what warmth feels like? Pausing she looks confused and turns to the steel. One hand raises, hovering over my cold exterior, the second follows. There's another sharp blast of wind and whether by accident or by design she lays her hands on me. The sharp blast has turned to a gale.

“Don't be sad” she says as she lays her head next to her hands.

I creak and feel my spirit lifted, she can feel me, she can feel my spirit. She understands. I feel a jolt, but we are oblivious. We stay leaning, swaying, as the workmen run to the edge. Hanging as far as they can, screaming to each other, frantically waving at each other. A second and a third jolt. I shudder, I've never felt connected to anyone before, but she knows me. Still the shouting doesn't move us.

A workman runs over and grabs her at the shoulders, yet more screaming for her to leave. Even the terror wont make her go, she keeps her head on me as they run away.

I can feel the creaking now, I sway more violently and from below the sound of bolts sheering echoes. A tear comes to her eye. “It's okay.” Somehow I feel reassured. I let go. Suddenly it felt like a weigh was lifted, my metal relaxed, my centre beam started to sag. My own personal smile. Before the plunge.

A final gust sheered the last of my bolts. One long droning sigh as I tilt towards the river. We go down together, both sighing, accepting what is to come. I don't wonder why I'm taking the plunge, it's time for me to go so no one else suffers. She clutches my beam as I buckle around her, holding her as we sink under the water.


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