
So last night the European wing of Twitter went into overdrive. Eurovision is an institution. As a family we get together, grab a take away and then shout at the screen and do our own in-house voting. So here's a bit of a recap from our household discussions.

Ukraine > Am I the only one waiting for a rolling accident with that giant hamster wheel? Bit breathy 6/10
Belarus > Song entitles Cheesecake. Annoying catchy with Jedward hair. 7/10
Azerbaijan > Subtitles for the interpretive trapeze dancing would be good. 6/10
Iceland > Band dressed like a hoard of teletubbies with fantastic facial hair. Fantastic 10/10
Norway > Not really Eurovision, bit "just-broken-up-moody". 7/10
Romania > Avicii mixed with the Black Eyed Peas. 8/10
Armenia > Comedian turned singer. Too much dull surrounding the one good bit. 6/10
Montenegro > Bit of Winter Olympic skating round the stage. His teeth were too off putting to listen. 5/10
Poland > Basically porn on stage. I can only assume their songs were bad and the solution was boobs. 3/10
Greece > An English rapper included. He was good. Singing while trampolining maybe not the best. 5/10
Austria > Current Euro darling. Great song, and annoyingly looks better than everyone in a dress. 10/10
Germany > "Is It Right", oompa oompa... I say no. 3/10
Sweden > Just dull, not a lot grabbed me from it. 6/10
France > Song about a moustache. Weird Al was clearly hired. They should have skipped the moustache and concentrated on the hair. 5/10
Russia > Entwined twins with a huge pole... is this another porno one? 5/10
Italy > Britney lookalike. It's a bit wild and confusing. I think the bedazzled dress did it. 7/10
Slovenia > Excellent eyeshadow, awesome dress. 7/10
Finland > It was good, reminds me of something, but its a bit forgettable. 8/10
Spain > They made her wet. Why not put her in a white t-shirt and join the other porn. 7/10
Switzerland > Good tune but couldn't understand the words. Great whistling. 7/10
Hungary > "Running". He actually does run. Is anyone going to save the woman on stage who appears to be being attacked? 6/10
Malta > Creepiest smile award. They have a one man band and still lots of "musicians", aren't the latter kind of redundant? 6/10
Denmark > Very Bruno Mars, I have to like it really, even with the elbow dancing. 8/10
Netherlands > Country song. Really? "Tears on the highway"? Tears on my keyboard. 4/10
San Marino > "Maybe", maybe not. What's the curtain clam shell about? 5/10
UK > Am I a traitor for not liking out own song? 6/10

One of the interval pieces was Ode To Joy, one of my favourite pieces... ruined. I honestly don't know how they come up with these dance [in its loosest terms] moves. Ladders standing straight up from the stage and the singers climb up them... but they're attached to wires in the ceiling... would have been more interesting without the wires!

The woman presenting them proceeds to go round and chat to some of the act... and for some reason she's obsessed with food. It was peachy when she got to Molly from the UK. "I hear you really love cake" *confused look on Molly's face* "I also hear you like to bake at home." *Molly's face screams no.* I don't really know what they were trying to achieve but it was ridiculous to watch.

As always there was a lot of political voting. A kind of scream to fend off invasion. It's interesting to see the loyalty that's felt for everyone's respective countries. Watching my Twitter feed I was amused by some comments about how "tat like" some of the entries got in when their country didn't. I then went and watched the videos that missed out on places... I'm afraid friends that your songs weren't that good, there's little point being bitter, Eurovision ends up being a bit of a shocker everytime. It's tradition.

It was lovely to see Austria win, and I'm certain that during the voting they were genuine tears. At least it was actually a good song. There's always the fear some bizarre voting will make a song about moustaches win.


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