Movies of 2017 - July Recapped

I've been abusing my Cineworld Unlimited card so much that I decided it would be better to expand my movie updates to doing one a month.

This month I saw seven movies and have progressed to the magnificent black Unlimited card (although it still hasn't turned up yet). I have been enjoying the magnificent new flavour of Tango Iceblast... Peachy cream soda... I know, exciting times!

Anyway, less of that, more waffle about films...


The House

It was a beautiful day in June as I strolled through the streaming sunshine... to go and sit in the cinema. I know, I know, I should have been enjoying the mysterious yellow thing in the sky. As it turns out though, I prefer sitting in the dark with a raspberry slushie. I skipped seeing The House on Friday because of the hoards of people at the cinema, so that was today's selection.

Scott and Kate have been looking forward to sending their daughter to college with a local scholarship, but when it is frittered away by an official they are faced with finding the money to replace it. With their down on his luck neighbour, the trio start their own underground casino and are soon seeing another side of their community, and themselves...

While I wouldn't actively seek out a film that has Will Ferrell in it, I have to say that this one was a good laugh. Was it groundbreaking film? No. But it did everything you want from a comedy. The cast were great, and I really enjoyed watching Lennon Parham and Andrea Savage.

One thing I noticed from the movie I didn't realise that axes were that effective. [03/07]


Spider-man: Homecoming

Big cinema visit today... Spider-man Homecoming. I did a bit of a Spidey retrospective, just click that and you can go read it. In general I'm not a fan of Spider-man, to me he is to the Marvel Universe, what Screech was to Saved By The Bell, comic relief, and a little annoying. That being said... read the other post to see my feelings on the matter. [05/07]


War For The Planet Of The Apes

I'm terrible with watching films in sequence, but I've been seeing the trailers for War for the Planet of the Apes repeatedly and really wanted to watch it. I saw the first one when it came out in some fashion, the second one has eluded me though.

The films begins with the Alpha-Omega paramilitary group laying down an attack on Caesar's ape clan. There is heavy resistance and several of Alpha-Omega's team are captured. Caesar, wanting to bring some form of peace to his clan, sends back the captured soldiers to the Colonel with a message, they did not start this war and that they want to live in peace together.

Caesar's son, Blue Eyes, returns from searching for a safe haven, and has found a place across the desert for them all to live. Thinking that they need more time to prepare, Caesar puts off their departure with tragic consequences. During the night the Colonel and a team of men infiltrate their camp, and her slaughters Blue Eyes and Caesar's wife, believing it was him.

Seeking revenge, Caesar leaves the camp to hunt down the Colonel, accompanied by a small group. Along the way they encounter a single soldier with his daughter in a camp, who Caesar kills when he goes for his gun. The girl doesn't speak and deciding not to leave her there alone, they take her with them on their journey.

The group make their way to the Border with the help of Bad Ape and Caesar discovers that the rest of their clan has been captured and is imprisoned below. After being captured they must plan their escape from both inside and outside the walls of the Border any way they can...

Quite simple put, this was an epic feat, and well worth the watch. At some point while it was on I honestly forgot that what I was seeing wasn't real. The effects are magnificent, and the emotions in Caesar in particular are just incredible. Those alone should be sure fire reasons to watch it, but if you're not convinced, then the story line isn't bad either.

I always think it's amazing how well movies manage to match up the emotion of the actor with their digitised counterpart. That takes an amazingly skilled group behind the scenes. My first reaction when I saw Woody Harrelson in the trailer was not a good one. He's amusing, but I couldn't name a film of his that I've enjoyed him in. I'm happy to say that this one has changed all of that. I thoroughly enjoyed his performance, you see his character go from one end of the spectrum to the other, and Harrelson does it all so well. Amiah Miller who plays Nova was amazing too, barely any lines and acting at something that gets put in the scene after the fact must be incredibly difficult and she managed to pull it off with real emotion. [12/07]


Cars 3

There was me thinking that seeing Cars 3 on a Friday morning when most of the schools are still in sessions would be a nice and peaceful affair... *insert annoyed face here* Sadly, this was not the case and I was the only person in the screen without a child. There were probably only about twenty of us there... but still, when are they going to do adult only screenings of things?! Anyway, enough of that.

Lightning McQueen and his fellow racers have been enjoying the road together for a long time. So when the newcomers start to make waves it means there are hard decisions ahead. McQueen isn't ready to take his last pit stop though and so he has to train harder, and smarter, if he's going to beat his new high-tech competition.

With the help of Cruz Ramirez, he could be about to start the next phase of his career. But is it enough to beat Jackson Storm?..

Pixar have made another winner with this one. I'm not even sure how they manage to make me cry at animated cars... damn you Pixar, I never have enough tissues.

Cars is the least successful of the Pixar franchises. Don't shoot the messenger, I checked on box office sales. (It's not the worst performing film if that's any consolation, but it was fairly close.) But even Pixar's worst is still pretty amazing. Their films are all round fun, they have the ups and downs of any adult films, PLUS you always get an amazing short to go with it. Here's a quick trailer for Lou. [14/07]



Dunkirk really wasn't one that I was sure I wanted to watch. After watching it... I'm sure that I didn't want to watch it. It was interesting, in that it was a story from history that I didn't know, but I really didn't enjoy the film itself.

At the beginning I found the three story lines to be confusing, and almost everyone I've spoken to has said the same thing that I had thought during the film... "Was Cillian Murphy playing two people?"

Looking online I've seen some are quibbling about the effects being too loud and that there was very little dialogue from the troops... to be honest I didn't notice the sound "issue" while I watched as it seemed about right for the situation they were in. I did pause for thought about no one talking, but that again didn't seem that out of place in the context of the scenes.

While the timeline issues with the three strands did eventually sort themselves out I had already been put off. I really didn't feel this can be dubbed as the summer blockbuster that it was being pegged as.

That being said, I do think it will do well as we don't see many high profile films like this. And you know what... I was ready to sigh and say "yet another singer who should stick to what they're good at"... but Harry Styles wasn't bad, but I wouldn't like to comment on whether that was because there were barely any lines or not.

I think this one will have to be chalked up as "not for me", as I said it wasn't one I'd really wanted to watch in the first place. [21/07]


The Big Sick

I like it when there's an Unlimited screening of a film I'm not entirely sure about. I'd seen adverts for The Big Sick and was on the fence about seeing it, but when you get a sneaky Unlimited you have to go.

Based on Kumail Nanjiani & Emily V. Gordon real-life story (click on that link to see them interviewed on The View), The Big Sick is a romantic comedy that will have you laughing out loud.

Kumail's family are determined to find him a Pakistani Muslim girl so that he might settle down and follow in their traditions. But Kumail is anything but traditional. He's trying to make it as a comedian, while driving Uber in his spare time.

He meets Emily at one of his gigs and the pair hit it off. As they get further into their relationship though, Kumail worries what his traditional family will say about her. But Emily finding his parent's catalogue cards of potential brides changes everything.

When Emily is taken sick, her friend call Kumail for help. With the hospital putting her into a medically induced coma, he's then left with the prospect of contacting her parents, who up until this point, he'd managed to avoid...

It's a recurring things with my friends that they always ask me what I've seen or have booked at the cinema now, and this is the first one that has pretty much made them all react in the same way...

Me: I'm going to see The Big Sick.
Them: *scrunches face up at the title of the film*

I'm not even kidding, something about the title just doesn't sit right with them. But I have been urging them to go and see it anyway. Kumail Nanjiani is such a funny guy, if you haven't seen him in Franklin and Bash you really need to.

This film was funny and emotional, and felt very real. I feel contented about having watched it, and that doesn't happen a lot with me. Ray Romano and Holly Hunter make a great pair alongside Nankiani and Kazan. It's an all-round nice film, heartbreaking at points, but still wonderful. [24/07]


Girls Trip

I love films like this next one. Girls Trip looked like so much fun every time I saw I clip that it was definitely going to be on the list. So here's the Red Band trailer for you...

The Flossy Posse haven't seen each other for five years, somewhere along the way, life happened. But that's about to change. Ryan Pierce is the keynote speaker at this year's Essence Music Festival, and she's getting the gang back together for a long overdue reunion.

While Ryan has great things to look forward to in her career, everything isn't all smooth sailing, and the same goes for the others, although no one wants to admit it. Can they find their old spark again and set themselves on the right path before the partying ends?..

This film made me sad... oh, it wasn't a sad movie, it made me sad that I've never had a group of girls to dance off with. These four lovely ladies really worked well off each other. And hey, if you fancy setting the internet trolls off... I think they would make an excellent front line for the next Ghostbusters movie. Just saying.

Seriously though, this film was really funny. You'll laugh, you'll cringe, and you'll do it along to some fantastic music. [30/07]


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