Underground Overground

While on a train journey yesterday I was reading a book about the underground. As you do. I came across this and just loved it.

I had my first experience of Hades to-day, and if the real thing is to be like that I shall never again do anything wrong. I got into the Underground Railway at Baker Street. I wanted to go to Moorgate Street... the smoke and the sulphur fill the tunnel, all the windows have to be closed. The atmosphere was a mixture of sulphur, coal dust and foul fumes from the gas lamps above; so that by the time we reached Moorgate Street I was near dead of asphyxiation and heat. I should think these Underground railways must soon be discontinued, for they are a menace to health.
From the diary of R. D. Blumenfeld, 1887

I just thought it was a fantastic way to describe it. When I started reading the book I'd never really stopped to think about what the underground was like before the first time I'd ever ridden on one. As I got further in to the book I was amazed that I'd never considered the fact that the first tube trains would have been regular trains. It makes me wonder what other things I've just over looked like this.

What was the first computer actually like? I know it was massive but I'd like to know how each component relates.

How did they first come up with the idea and practice of transmitting images?

How did people communicate before the internet? Oh wait... I know that one... face to face... I'm off to do some of that...


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