A Fact Finding Mission

The hashtag #50FactsAboutMe is trending on Twitter... the worrying thing is that I can't tell if some of the facts that people have been putting up are real or fake... and that worries me slightly!

I don't feel I can subject my Twitter feed to 50 things about me but you guys come here by choice... you'll learn!

So where do I start?

  1. I prefer the pink marshmallows... Princess ones.
  2. I love the film The Last Holiday and it makes me cry every time I watch it.
  3. I love to be creative but have such a short attention span I'm lucky if I finish anything.
  4. My DVD collection is somewhere over 2200 DVDs at this point.
  5. My klout score is currently 51... I have no idea if that's good or not.
  6. I dye my hair black... I'd like to go electric blue but I'm a scaredy cat and I'm not made of money!
  7. I'm an excellent secret keeper.
  8. I can tell the difference between coke and pepsi.
  9. I have listened to Harry Potter read by Stephen Fry and Jim Dale, don't bother with the latter.
  10. I have a folder on my favourites bar full of recipes... I will probably not even make one of them.
  11. Escada make fantastic perfume, but they always discontinue mine when I need to buy a new one. EVERY TIME!
  12. When I moved I gave roughly 30 boxes of books to the local charity shop.
  13. I have a weakness for Haribo.
  14. A man generally appeals to me if he is/has one of the following... ginger, long hair, geeky. [combinations don't always work... long hair geeky - yes. ginger geeky - yes. ginger long hair - no.]
  15. Cartoons always relax me.
  16. I prefer Marvel over DC.
  17. My preferred superpower would be telekinesis.
  18. My CD of choice in the car is Hoobastank The Reason.
  19. I dislike photos [ones out in the house, electronic ones I can't see are less of an irritation], I only have one photo of me and one of my closest friends in my house.
  20. I dream of a nerd room full of my games consoles, DVDs and books... oooh and a mini fridge.
  21. I love wearing heels but have completely forgotten how to walk in them.
  22. My preferred sleeve length is 3/4.
  23. I wear wide leg trousers so that my feet look smaller.
  24. I frequently go out and dance to songs... then realise that I've got my dance moves from Just Dance.
  25. I love listening to Radio 4 comedy, especially I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue and the News Quiz.
  26. My favourite chocolates are Galaxy Bites.
  27. I listen to rainymoods.com when I go to sleep.
  28. I am a member of the Cheshire Cheese Club.
  29. I'd like Kat Dennings to play me in a movie of my life, she's the perfect amount of boobs and sassiness.
  30. I love Ferrero Rocher milkshakes.
  31. I love cats, I'm saving for my crazy cat lady starter kit.
  32. Last year for ladies' day at Epsom I made my own fascinator.
  33. I love going to the cinema on my own.
  34. I have learnt not to bother buying any other washing up liquid apart from Fairy... they aren't bubbly enough.
  35. At this point I've concluded there aren't 50 interesting facts about me.
  36. There's nothing like a McDonalds hot apple pie and a strawberry milkshake to cheer you up.
  37. I wish they did the little fine chopped onions in all their burgers like they do in the cheeseburgers.
  38. I try and look round the corners in horror movies.
  39. If a cat meows, I meow back.
  40. Not that I'm bitter and twisted about it... but Ben and Jerry's stopped doing my favourite ice cream, Vermonster.
  41. My favourite curry is chicken mussaman.
  42. I love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  43. I have advanced sarcasm skills.
  44. I am soon going to be the owner of the most awesome hat on the planet.
  45. I love the coin pushing arcade games.
  46. I prefer writing by hand with a black pen or pencil.
  47. I shouldn't eat dairy, but not having ice cream is a crime.
  48. If I had a Star Trek replicator I'd probably eat healthier.
  49. When I win the lottery I'm going to build a house and name it Banyan Tree Manor.
  50. Even I'm bored of me now.


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