How To Achieve Things With Limited Time

Motivation, motivation, motivation.

I hardly ever achieve anything at the weekends, it's too tempting to surf the net and play on Pinterest instead of doing sensible things. So I made myself a list. A list will solve anything.

At first I started with the big jobs that needed to be done in the house, but that seemed kind of pointless as most of them I can't achieve on my own, so I added more day to day things. Finally putting away those boxes, actually hanging up my washing instead of leaving it folded on my dresser. It's daft but once you've achieve a couple of things off the list the rest seems like child's play.

So my list was a massive 26 things long. Including putting up shelving through the house, painting my hallway and repainting some canvasses. I worked out that I could actually do 14 of the things off the list without spending a penny or really lifting a finger.

But you have to start small with these things, so I told myself to do half of them or lose my TV privileges. I ended up doing 8, it's amazing what some unenforceable threats from yourself will achieve. I could have done all 14, but I don't want to set such a high standard for the next time.

One of the main things on my list was completing phase one of Nerdvana, my nerd room. I don't know what I would have done had I not had three bedrooms... well, not have guests probably but we won't dwell on that! The little bedroom is my little room to nerd-out in. This is just it's temporary look but it still makes me happy.

Some arty things up on the wall, including a Batman clock, a wonderful word art Snow White retelling and a pair of Toy Story "Andy" branded shoes. You'll also notice Ryan Reynolds in one corner, thank you Debenhams for having such stunning display cards! In the other you'll see a live-sized David Tennant as The Doctor... he's glorious, I can't help but wink at him when I go passed. You will also notice he's standing in front of my pride and joy... My very own TARDIS door.

I'll be sure to put up a more detailed post about my TARDIS door when she's finished... isn't she sexy! I'm just waiting on some handles. I knew I wanted the door, I'm just really happy I could actually achieve it how I visualised it.

Eventually Nerdvana will have shelves up with a lot of my DVDs and all the nerdy books on. I'll also have my old TV and the NES and N64 set up too... at the moment it's a bit like a college dorm room with crappy makeshift shelves. I'm also going to have a futon in there and some rather lovely black sparkle roller blinds, the latter might be achieve this weekend depending on how confident I'm feeling as they have to be cut by hand!

Before all that can happen though I have to have some visitors, because currently to finish the room fully I need to achieve two more things off the list... hanging some wallpaper and putting up some shelves... and I can't do that on my own as I want the wallpaper and the shelves to stay up. I can really only be in charge of measuring and holding things to guarantee that happens.


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