Writing Prompts - The Beginning

I search for a lot of writing prompts online, and I thought it was about time I tried putting some together myself.

So here are a couple, with some vague ideas I had for them.

I like the idea that your body could some how pre-warn you that it was in danger, and give you enough time to try and fix it. Possibly it is specifically your eyes that have precognitive powers... not sure where that last idea came from!

I'm almost certain that Santa needs a job outside of the Christmas season, and with that much insider knowledge he's bound to be useful to someone!

I like the idea of a damsel in distress narrating the line of suitors trying to rescue her from the tower. None of them realise it, but she's not trapped, she's actually well trained and self sufficient, she just needs some light entertainment between training sessions.

I hope you like these three, let me know if you use them, I'd be really interested in seeing the results.


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