The First Go At The First Doctor

Hello. My name is Emma, and I'm a Whovian.

Some of you will be booing and telling me I'm not, others will be saying god yes, she's such a nerd. The truth lies somewhere in between. I'm too nerdy for regular folk and I'm not nerdy enough for the nerdy folk.

When Who came back to our screens in 2005 I was 23, and already a little obsessed with TV and films. I enjoyed a bit of sci-fi (and still do), so it was inevitable I was going to get to watching it.

These days modern Who is a staple part of my TV watching diet (with a little bit less love during series 9 of course). Original Who has eluded me though. I was around for Five, Six and Seven, but when the series finished I was only 8... oh my god, I was Eight! Coincidence? Well, yeah. Yeah it was. *sigh*

So what's coming next is going to be both safely within my comfort zone, and yet miles outside it... and by that I mean I'm about to watch the original Doctor Who for the first time.

It'll be an interesting feeling watching something for the first time that I already love. I've be trying to think of something else you'd be able to do this with. but I'm drawing a blank. *checks arms for tally marks* While I'm familiar with the line up (I've gone for the technical line up above... mainly because you get two Tennants), I don't think that I've actually seen a whole episode from One to Seven. I have slight recollections of Seven, but I don't think we ever sat down and watched it as a family.

For me, modern Who has been a very solitary activity. This is mainly because none of my friends really like it. If I've come out for dinner or something social when an episode is on then you really have to feel privileged. Most recently I sacrificed seeing the series 10 finale live for a leaving do, and even went out to a friend's birthday party when the latest regeneration was being announced after Wimbledon... of course I did negotiate to watch it on the TV while I was there, there was minimal anti-social behaviour! But pleasantly, much discussion about the outcome from people who didn't know enough to care about who it was, but were interested in knowing my thoughts (or at least faked that they were).

New Who has been a bit of a rollercoaster for me. Nine was exciting and fun, and hooked me into the regeneration of the series. Ten... well, I've got a life-sized cut out of him in my nerd room, so I think we all know how I feel about Ten. Eleven had me pausing a bit. As the meme says, Nine was a tiger, Ten was Tigger, and Eleven was an uncoordinated house cat. He did eventually grow on me, once I pushed the flailing out of the way. Twelve, Grumpy Cat, was one extreme to the other, series 8 was "hmm", series 9 was "meh" and series 10 was "ooooooooh". And that was mainly because of companions.

Off the back of that comment I was going to list my favourite companions, but as it turns out, you can really fall out with people when discussing this topic. *cough*Pete*cough* So I've decided to postpone the agony for a little bit longer and do a post entirely dedicated to companions, actual and extended, once I've had a proper think about it. (And I don't care what you think Pete, Craig counts!)

I'm not going to weigh in heavy on 13 (15), what would be the point before she's even appeared on our screens!? But what I will say is that this is one change I can embrace.

It's time to embrace my inner Whovian and give her a treat... Run!


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