I Talk To Myself To Have A Sensible Conversation

It's the cry of my people... cast off your shackles of shame... we shouldn't have to hide our random conversations! I talk to inanimate objects, the air, to you wonderful invisible people. Sometimes I do feel like I get more sense than when I talk to actual human beings, but I think that's mainly because I can voice anything I want and no one judges me... at least not to my face.

When I'm at work my computer and I frequently have heated discussions about how it's ruining my day, most often that it should know I didn't want to press that button. As if a deliberate act of retribution, it slows down so much that I can watch my words type like some ghostly echo of myself. And of course every time the phone rings you have to express your disgust.

At home I have conversations with characters on the TV. It is not my fault they don't listen to me... so many horror movie characters would be alive if they did. Of course some of them do... I frequently advise the police when they should draw their weapons and shoot.

I waffle on here like there's no tomorrow. No one is going to listen to me while I contemplate what my ten favourite dishes are... well they might do for about 15 minutes... but not for the two hours it took me to finish the list! I type for two hours on here but you guys only have to spend 5 minutes reading it!

I won't stop, it's who I am. If I air my thoughts out loud they come to life and it's so much easier to create from them.

Imagine this next bit said like a sort of a battle cry...

Free yourself and join the wittering revolution!


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