The Times They Are A Changin'

So I've had my old lady moan about TV so I thought I'd take a swing at computers too. We take it for granted now but it wasn't that long ago that a computer in your home was nearly unheard of.

It was a family event when we got our first computer. It was an off white/grey slab, with a small boxy screen with terrible graphics [by today's standards anyway]. I'd only ever used a computer at school which operated a turtle that moved around the classroom floor. That was even less advanced with a DOS style screen with illuminated green writing. At home we'd sit around the computer and take it in turns to play minesweeper.

As a child I either wrote by hand or I wrote on my very own typewriter. How many kids now will recognise one of those? I suppose they might accidentally stumble across an episode of Murder She Wrote.

I can't remember what the exact computer we had was, but I would lay money on the fact that the phone I carry around in my pocket has more power than it ever did.

So we had one computer in our house. It seems so long ago that I can't remember when we got the internet, I remember having it around 1998 ish. Online games and chat rooms. As with everything I eventually had my own PC and I got a laptop. I went from online gamer to online chatter to online writer.

Where has all this technology taken me? Well I get up in the morning and I check my iPhone for email, tweets and update statuses. I get in my car which has an on board computer that tells me where to go [destinations, it doesn't just tell me to f*** off... well, unless I press the wrong buttons]. I go to Tesco to pick up breakfast and use the self service checkout with the touch screen computer. Get to work and turn on the computer with dual screens and spend 8 hours within four foot of it. Get back home and turn on one of my two laptops or my PC. Read a book on my iPad or play one of the dozen or so games I have on it.

Obviously I don't spend every day that way... and some of the day is much more fun than the rest... this bit for example! I do occasionally turn off all the technology and spend a wonderful couple of buzz free hours, but in the end we all go back. I started with online games what have I come to now? Cats, many cats... several wanting cheezburgers and lots of random YouTube videos.


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