Wherefore Art Thou Shaun?

Shaun the Sheep has come to Bristol. Shaun is in my city.

My friend came to visit and I made the exclamation that he'd chosen badly as he was just going to miss them... but no... the good old Bristolians started putting them up early.

In total we saw 21 Shauns last weekend, and completed the Temple Trail above. But those sneaky buggers didn't have the decency to put them out in the dead of night so they were all out in the morning! No, they kept tiptoeing out of the shadows and putting them out after we'd walked past the spot.

It's a fantastic community thing... well, it didn't seem that way when they were in London, but we were having fun here! Everyone was being friendly around them and asking for help getting pictures, we were using the app and all trying to work out where the next closest one was.

So on Saturday we'd gone into town with the idea of just taking in some of the city, hitting the bits that I hadn't seen and enjoying the sun. We walked all the way from the station down to the SS Great Britain, boated it across the river for 80p each and then walked back down the other side. The first Shaun we saw was Air Fleece, "Well what's that doing there?" That's where the phone came out, app got opened and the first picture was snapped.

Once we'd spent our day accidentally finding them on our journey Sunday's activities started coming into focus, we'd try to see more Shauns. Being that most of them are around the centre it was fairly easy to start at the station again and loop round to Cabot Circus in a little winding path. Well this would have been a fantastic idea if it hadn't been pissing it down with rain for almost the entirety of the walk.

There is one photo [not in the Temple Trail above] where there is an action shot of rain. When we started the morning it was just a drizzle, nothing too off putting. We saw the first two Shauns and then while walking through the station the heavens opens and the wind decided we could do with some horizontal rain.

The next six Shauns [at least] were a precision operation, creeping along the side of buildings trying to keep half of us out of direct rain and then preparing the phone before jumping out to snap a shot of him and running back to the partial shelter. KnitWit was up by the castle and looked like it was well sheltered by trees... nope... at this point there was so much rain that the trees were just acting like a funnel for the water.

Although it was in all likelihood my least sensible idea ever we had a good day out and it was lovely to see a familiar face. I've just got to hope that the weather holds out because there is no chance I'm going to be as motivated as I was this weekend to see them when I'm out on my own!


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